Wednesday 14 August 2013

Hilsa with Mustard

Hilsa is the King of Fish. 

It is the tastiest, because it has a lot of bones, the more the bones the tastier the fish. 

A lot of you might get frightened by the thought of  cooking Hilsa, but I promise you it is fairly easy. 

Today I will share one of the best combination:- Hilsa + Mustard

Lets get started..


Hilsa 8 pieces
Mustard Seeds 2 heaped tbsp
Poppy Seeds 2 heaped tbsp
Tomato 2
Green Chillies 4-5
Mustard oil
1 tsp Turmeric powder
Salt to Taste


Soak the mustard and poppy seeds in water for half an hour, and grind it well into a smooth paste in a blender. 
Marinate the fish fillets in the mustard and poppy paste, along with tomatoes ( diced into 4 equal pieces), green chilies, turmeric, and 4 tbspn Mustard oil, for half an hour.

Pour the marinate in to a hot cooking pan, and cook it with the lid closed, in medium to low heat, till the fish boils.  Prick the fish with a fork, if it glides in easily, the fish is cooked. 

Once the fish is cooked,  turn off the heat, and pour a little bit of mustard oil on the gravy to aid in the mustard flavour and aroma and some fresh green chillies
, and close the lid

Garnish it with fresh coriander leaves. 

Your Hilsa with Mustard is done, serve it with hot plain rice. 

 If you try out this recipe, please share your pictures with me. 

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